

While Civil War rages in Amethir and the eastern nations war with each other, one angry young woman makes a discovery with the power to change the world.

Civil war rages on the high seas and inland in the Amethirian Empire. Dragons are speaking again. Stormsingers are being ambushed by seadragons and sirens. The weather itself is being manipulated by ambitious stormwitches on both sides of the conflict.

In the midst of the maelstrom, a captive princess sends a plea to Ranarr: Send us a Diplomat. What the Diplomats of Ranarr do with that plea and what they uncover in their response, will change everything.

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About the Book

Now available for preorder and releasing on July 31, 2024!

Shroudling is book 5 in the Storms in Amethir series. It is preceded by The Weather War and will be followed by Witchery’s End.

Becoming a Diplomat is all Naia has ever wanted.

Diplomats spend their lives brokering peace and protecting the oppressed. They’re highly respected. They get to travel the known world.

The problem is, Diplomats aren’t supposed to be angry, and Naia’s angry all the time.

Fearing she’s about to be expelled from the university, Naia vows to find something that will prove her value as a Diplomat. She delves deep into unknown parts of the great university library, where she encounters what might be a spirit—or might be a figure from myth.

To unravel the mystery, she enlists the help of her best friend, Zolin, who is on his own quest to find where he fits in the Diplomatic Corps.

Little do they know that the Amethirian civil war is about to reach their island home of Ranarr. And what Naia and Zolin discover will create ripples that spread from Ranarr to Amethir and beyond.

Series: Storms in Amethir, Book 5
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Publisher: Cathartes Press
Publication Year: 2024
ISBN: 9781944774103
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