Kickin’ It Old School

Chapter Three has refused to be written at the computer.

I do a heck of a lot of composition while sitting at the keyboard. I used to write longhand a lot more than I do now, but apparently Chapter Three needed to be written longhand. I cleaned out my fountain pens, discovered I’d lost my favorite one, spent three days looking for it while writing with other pens, finally found it, and wrote my way out of the first Moleskine notebook I had dedicated to this project.

Yesterday I made a VERY exciting discovery in a small town not to far from my house. Avalon Jewelry and Pens is an amazing shop with incredibly friendly and helpful owners. They’re also the people who make Private Reserve Ink. So I made a visit yesterday and came home with a Chinese-made Hero 616 (something I’ve seen called a “workhorse” of a fountain pen) and a bottle of Black Cherry Private Reserve Ink.

Today I’m frantically typing Chapter Three in an attempt to get it to my betas before leaving on a three-day trip to Chattanooga for a quick Civil War history fix.

I’m incredibly pleased with how the pivotal scene in Chapter Three has turned out. And while it’s fun to sit and type so quickly you transpose letters, there’s a much more visceral thrill in trying to write fast enough to keep up with your characters when they seize the action and run with it.

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