Writing isn’t always lonely

When I’m struggling through the nitty-gritty grind of squeezing out word after word, trying to get things just right on the page, it’s really easy to forget there’s a world out there, let alone other people who understand what I’m going through.

Then I see a post from someone like [profile] kosmickway, talking about some aspect or other of writing, and I’m reminded that Hey! I know other people who do this nitty-gritty grind of squeezing out word after word! And sometimes just talking to them helps you figure out what’s blocking you, or why you’re struggling, or what your character really wants, or how to portray what your character really wants.

So this is just a shout out to the many, many people who have been helpful to me over the years. Not necessarily people who get paid to put words on the page, but people who do it for the joy of it. People who like to read words on the page. People who ask smart questions. People like [profile] kosmickway, [personal profile] slightlyjillian, [profile] krycek_chick, [personal profile] severity_softly, [profile] resolucidity, Zardok the Amazing Beta Reader, and so many, many others.

Thank you, guys!

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