Sunday Snippet: Arama and Vistaren

I’ve been rotten at writing blog posts lately, haven’t I? I could make excuses, because I’m working six days a week now between two different jobs, but really, if I’d had something to say, I probably would have found time. But I’ve really had nothing to talk about in a public forum, so I just haven’t said anything.

But this place is looking sadly abandoned, so I’m going post a little teaser from Stormsinger. This takes place early in the novelette, when Captain Arama Dzornaea first meets Prince Vistaren doth’Mara.

“I hope your highness does not expect battles at sea,” Arama said. Her mouth was quirked up. Vistaren thought she was teasing him.

He made a show of mulling it over. “Not unless you feel it absolutely necessary, Captain,” he said finally. “I understand it is a serious request to make of you.”

She laughed. “Your father would have me keel-hauled if I involved you in a sea battle, Prince Vistaren.” Her amusement warmed him. She thought he was funny. Then her expression sobered. “And I suspect your bride-to-be would object, as well.”

It was like she’d doused him in cold water. “Indeed.” He helped himself to several slices of bacon. He didn’t want to think about Princess Azmei. “I have complete confidence in you, Captain Dzornaea, to see us safely to Ranarr.”

A funny thing happened while I was writing this for the 8-Hour E-book Challenge: I found out Vistaren had been betrothed to a foreign princess a few years before the novel I’m currently working on. I’ve been sidetracked from writing The Weather War by exploring what happened after Stormsinger. Hopefully I’ll be publishing a sequel in the next few months. :)


  1. >> A funny thing happened while I was writing this for the 8-Hour E-book Challenge: I found out Vistaren had been betrothed to a foreign princess a few years before the novel I’m currently working on. <<

    Ooh, now that is all kinds of intriguing, because now we know it didn't work out. Sequel!

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