Tag: self-publishing
Self-Pub 101: Handmade Tales Panel at ACPL

The Allen County Public Library Author Fair Committee sent out links to panel videos last week, and since my fellow panelists Jennifer Foehner Wells and Kayleen Reusser had such great advice during their presentations, I want to share the whole video with you. We each talked for about ten minutes, and…
My No-Pants Plan for Self-Publishing
Self-Pub 101: Four Twitter Rules for Authors

Today I’m going to write about a pet peeve of mine: Twitter’s Direct Message feature. Specifically, how authors use Twitter’s Direct Message feature. This week, I had several people follow me on Twitter. (I’m here: @stephanie_cain) Generally speaking, I take a look at someone’s profile and their most recent tweets before…
Self-Pub 101: E-book Pricing for Libraries
Dear Self-Published Authors, do yourself a favor. Stop charging libraries so much for your e-books. Robin Bradford is someone I follow on Twitter, and she frequently Tweets her collection development work as a librarian in Washington state. Since I have Librarian IV certification in Indiana (I actually have 3/4 of…
Book Review: Business for Authors by Joanna Penn
Self-Pub 101: Live Events for Indie Authors
Book Review: Self-Publishers Ultimate Resource Guide
Book Review: Book Marketing Is Dead

How do you market a self-published book into a best-seller? Start with the absolute best book you can produce. This isn’t really a new idea–marketing experts have long been touting the importance of having a good cover design, professional editing, and excellent back copy–but it doesn’t end there. Author Derek…