Tag: NaNoWriMo
NaNoWriMo 2022
Coming Out of the Pandemic Drought

I know a lot of creative people, and it’s definitely been an interesting couple of years for us. A lot of creatives found themselves inspired to work harder throughout the pandemic years. I also know several–including me–who experienced a sort of creative drought during the pandemic. Health During a Pandemic…
That 35k NaNoWriMo Despair
Never Plan a Road Trip During NaNoWriMo
Oops, I forgot to tell you guys what NaNoWriMo project I picked. I decided to go with my urban fantasy story that wants to be a novel. It involves a lot of small-town Indiana settings and characters I really like. It also has an overwhelmingly female cast. It’s a lot…
NaNo Minus One-Ten and Counting
The NaNoWriMo Conundrum
Ten years ago I signed up for NaNoWriMo and wrote the novel I’m currently querying. I took this strange, new approach to novel-writing and called it a vacation–I took a vacation from what I usually wrote, which is epic fantasy, and decided to experiment with urban fantasy. I allowed myself…
Camp NaNoWriMo
Master post of my favorite NaNoWriMo tools
Some of my favorite writing links, just in time for NaNoWriMo: Outline Your Novel in 30 Minutes – This has a lot of useful questions to get to know your characters. I’ve used this several times. Sketch a Novel in an Hour – Very similar to the first, which it’s…